Shadow Government "Money" Supply Growth from ShadowStats

Chart of U.S. Money Supply Growth

20 June, 2012

Goldfinger Issues Edict

GOLDFINGER HAS SPOKEN.  "The Fed" will "ease monetary policy".  Of course, being Goldfinger, they "hedged", saying "most likely", but the message clear; “We would be quite surprised..." (read that "Somebody's head's gonna roll...) "if we saw no easing this week,” said a Goldfinger puppet.  

Goldfinger wants its wholly-owned subsidiary to "buy assets such as mortgage-backed securities and U.S. Treasurys" because, of course, you can't do better than "government-guaranteed" (barrel-of-a-gun) investments, especially when you "wrote" those "investment" on "flash paper".

Robert Heller, former governor of the U.S. central bank, disagrees.  But, he is "former governor", and really doesn't have any authority; not even the illusion of authority that we allow the DCNY vortex-dwellers. 

Janet Yellen, on the other hand (in the other pocket, as it were) is Vice Chairman of the Fed, apparently agrees with here Master(s), also making a case for more "easing" (sounds erotic, doesn't it?)

Ironically, Heller (the guy who's no longer there), blames all of this on us.  “[Goldfinger has] plenty of liquidity, there’s a dearth of demand for good credit,” says Heller.  “There are not enough credit-worthy borrowers around at the present time in the United States, so people got to continue to repair their balance sheet.”

In case you're wondering, those would be the "balance sheets" that Goldfinger & Ass' shredded through the process of "funding" (with other people's money) the "easy credit" (non-existing) of people who honestly coudn't afford a house; creating a "housing boom" (blowing so much hot air up our ...), and then graciously allowing us to continue to pay for through Capital Hill (and don't comment on my spelling; at least 533/535 are all about "capital"); putting actual "credit-worthy borrowers" into the same "tent-cities" as the (insultingly designated) "subprimes".

His answer?  Government has to make it easier for the corporate sector to invest.  (I know! Talk about balls!) "If ... regulations are eased a bit, then the U.S. economy really has the potential to grow much faster, snap back...".

Didn't it already "snap back" when we finally heard housing "boom"?

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