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08 February, 2010

The Patriot Act Is Up For Revote In Congress: An Overview of the Act’s Details and Social Impact, and What We Can Do

While I think it's a good article The Patriot Act Is Up For Revote In Congress: An Overview of the Act’s Details and Social Impact, and What We Can Do and I advise exploring the links, I have the same problem with this treatment of this anti-freedom...("legislation" is too good a word for it): the problem is its title, and the references to it.

It is NOT "the Patriot Act". As clearly pointed out, the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism" (Act) has nothing - whatsoever - to to with patriots, patriotism, or anything even remotely approaching same. Calling it "the Patriot Act" only serves to accord this piece of ANTI-Constitution, ANTI-patriotism, ANTI-freedom filth more respect than it deserves.

And no one, I mean, NO ONE, ever makes any reference to the "USA" part. The "huddled masses", the "wretched refuse", know no better than to believe that the acronyms for "Uniting and Strengthening America" and "Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism" actually further American principles, while this is, and has been since its "enactment", "provides appropriate tools" to silence (and at time, incarcerate) voices of opposition.

The fondness of law-writers for acronyms should be clear to anyone, but especially the ACLU, which proclaims itself a champion of American principles.

Sadly, like nearly everyone else - and certainly everyone in the military-industrial-complex "press" - even the ACLU continues to refer to this as "the Patriot Act".

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